Directeur Adjoint UMR7206 Eco-anthropologie
Sept 2024: Directeur Adjoint de l’UMR7206 Eco-anthropologie
2023 : Directeur de Recherche au CNRS affecté à l’UMR7206
Section CoNRS de rattachement principale: Section 29
Biodiversité, évolution et adaptations biologiques : des macromolécules aux communautés
Section CoNRS de rattachement secondaire: Section 51
Modélisation, et analyse des données et des systèmes biologiques : approches informatiques, mathématiques et physiques
2022 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Anthropologie et Génétique des Populations
Délivrée par le Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Titre : Histoires de Métissages - Histories of Admixture : https://hal.science/tel-03817698
2015-2024 : Co-coordinateur du plateau « Paléogénomique et génétique moléculaire » P2GM du MNHN au Musée de l’Homme
2011-2015 : Conceptualisation, mise en oeuvre et maitrise d’oeuvre du chantier de construction du futur plateau Paléogénomique et génétique moléculaire P2GM du MNHN au Musée de l’Homme
Travaux réalisés par les sociétés Léon Grosse, SDEL, UTB, Vulcain, Possémé, HeraSafe, Erlab et leurs sous-traitants, supervision OPPIC et MNHN
2012-2023 : Chargé de Recherche au CNRS affecté à l’UMR7206
Section CoNRS de rattachement principale: Section 29
Biodiversité, évolution et adaptations biologiques : des macromolécules aux communautés
Section CoNRS de rattachement secondaire: Section 51
Modélisation, et analyse des données et des systèmes biologiques : approches informatiques, mathématiques et physiques
2011-2012 : Post Doctorat à Stanford University (Department of Biology, supervisor : Noah A. Rosenberg)
2009-2011 : Post Doctorat à University of Michigan (Medical School, supervisor : Noah A. Rosenberg)
2005-2009 : Thèse de doctorat en Anthropologie Biologique et Génétique des Populations Humaines
Délivrée en janvier 2009 par l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie et le Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Dir. : Evelyne Heyer. Titre : Anthropologie Génétique des Populations Humaines d’Afrique Centrale : Histoire du Peuplement Pygmée
2004-2005 : Master 2 de Génétique Humaine de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie
2001-2005 : Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agronome de l’AgroParisTech (anciennement INA P-G)
1998-2001 : Classe Préparatoire Biologie, Chimie, Physique et Sciences de la Terre (Lycée Saint Louis, Paris)
Demographic, genetic, and cultural histories of modern human populations
Sociocultural behaviours and human genetic diversity
Cultural and anthropological categories and categorisation processes
Demographic inference with Approximate Bayesian Computation
Mathematical modelling of complex admixture processes
Computational sociolinguistics, language contacts and changes, population linguistics
Human biological adaptation
Genetic and Linguistic admixture histories in Cabo Verde
Histories of Admixture : Influence of admixture histories on the genetic evolution of hybrid populations
Origins, migrations and differential adaptation of Central African Pygmy and non-Pygmy populations
Anthropology, Genetics, and Linguistics Field Works
Olivier Brisset (PhD student, co-supervision: Stéfano Mona (ISYEB) and Nathalie Machon (CESCO)): « Genetic and phenotypic impacts of multiple-sources reintroduction for the plant Arenaria grandiflora in the Fontainebleau forest »
Marta Ciccarella (PhD student, co-supervision: Jorge Rocha (CIBIO-Porto University), International FCT funding): « Inferring sex-biased admixture processes in human populations with Approximate Bayesian Computations: the case of Atlantic Slave Trade admixture in Cape Verde and São Tomé e Principé »
- Post-doctorate
Cesar Fortes-Lima - 2016-2018
Kazunari Matsudaira (collaboration with Pr. Hiroki Oota, University of Tokyo) - 2018
- PhD
Gwenna Breton, Uppsala University (co-supervision Mattias Jakobsson, Carina Schlebusch, Per Sjödin, Uppsala University): « Human demographi history: Insights on the human past based on genomes from Southern through Central Africa » - 2015-2020
Valentin Thouzeau, MNHN (co-supervision Frédéric Austerlitz, CNRS): « Reconstruire l’évolution biologique et culturelle des populations humaines par l’analyse simultanée des diversités linguistiques et génétiques » - 2014-2017
- Master 1 & 2 - Licence
Coailin Egan (Ecole Normale Supérieure Ulm) - 2024
Maël Pretet (Université de Paris) - 2021
François Mallordy (Ecole Normale Supérieure Ulm) - 2019
Ferdinand Petit (Université de Paris) - 2019
Marta Ciccarella (University of Bologna) - 2018
Antoine Cools (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nantes) - 2018
Claire Stragier (Université Paris 7) - 2015
Mirian Barbosa (UniCV, Cabo Verde) - 2014
Margueritte Lapierre (Fonctionnement du Vivant, INA P-G) - 2014
Amy Goldberg (University of Michigan) - 2011
Noémie Becker (INA P-G) - 2007-2008
Viola Grugni (Master 2 Erasmus, Université Paris 7) - 2008
Héloïse Bastide (Université Paris 7) - 2006
––––- 2024
46. Verdu P (2024)
Building a synthetic theory of linguistic evolution? Comment on “Language follows a distinct mode of extra-genomic evolution”
Physics of Life Reviews Vol 52, pp. 46-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plrev.2024.11.020
45. Verdu P (2024)
Allons-nous tous finir par nous ressembler ?
in Migrations, une odyssée humaine. Eds Sylvie Mazzella & Christine Verna. MNHN, France. ISBN 978-2-38279-032-8. pp. 195-200.
44. Ciccarella M, Laurent R, Szpiech ZA, Patin E, Dessarps-Freichey F, Utgé J, Lémée L, Semo A, Rocha JM*, and Verdu P* (2024)
Nested admixture during and after the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade on the island of São Tomé
biorXiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.10.21.619344
*Equal supervision
43. Breton G, Sjödin P, Zervakis PI, Laurent R, Froment A, Sjöstrand AE, Hewlett BS, Barreiro LB, Perry GH, Soodyall H, Heyer E, Schlebusch CM, Jakobsson M, and Verdu P (2024)
Ancient tree-topologies and gene-flow processes among human lineages in Africa
biorXiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.15.603519
––––- 2023
42. Laurent R, Szpiech ZA, da Costa SS, Thouzeau V, Fortes-Lima CA, Dessarps-Freichey F, Lemée L, Utgé J, Rosenberg NA, Baptista M, and Verdu P (2023)
A genetic and linguistic analysis of the admixture histories of the islands of Cabo Verde
eLife 12:e79827. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.79827
––––- 2022
41. Verdu P (2022)
Histories of Admixture
Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches MNHN - https://hal.science/tel-03817698
40. Thouzeau V, Affholder A, Mennecier P, Verdu P, and Austerlitz F (2022)
Inferring linguistic transmission between generations at the scale of individuals
Journal of Language Computation 7 (2), 200-212. bioRxiv: https://doi.org/10.1101/441246
––––- 2021
39. Choin J, Mendoza-Revilla J, Arauna LR, Cuadros-Espinoza S, Cassar O, Larena M, Min-Shan Ko A, Harmant C, Laurent R, Verdu P, Laval G, Boland A, Olaso R, Deleuze JF, Valentin F, Ko YC, Jakobsson M, Gessain A, Excoffier L, Stoneking M, Patin E, Quintana-Murci Ll (2021)
Genomic insights into population history and biological adaptation in Oceania
Nature 592 (7855), 583-589. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03236-5
38. Fortes-Lima CA*, Laurent R*, Thouzeau V, Toupance, B and Verdu P (2021) * equal contributors
Complex genetic admixture histories reconstructed with Approximate Bayesian Computation
Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (4), 1098-1117. https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.13325
> Editor’s choice for Mol Ecol Res special issue « Machine Learning in Molecular Ecology »
––––- 2020
37. Fortes-Lima CA, Verdu P (2020)
Anthropological Genetics perspectives on the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Human Molecular Genetics Online ahead of print https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/ddaa271
> Editor’s invited Review article
––––- 2019
36. Verdu P (2019)
Do You Consent to Participate in the Research Study?
in The Secret Lives of Anthropologists: Lessons from the field. Ed. Bonnie L. Hewlett, Pub. Routledge Taylor and Francis, Chap. 14, pp. 279-298
35. Lopez M, Choin J, Sikora M, Siddle K, Harmant C, Costa HA, Silvert M, Mouguiama-Daouda P, Hombert JM, Froment A, Le Bomin S, Perry GH, Barreiro LB, Bustamante CD, Verdu P, Patin E and Quintana-Murci Ll (2019)
Genomic Evidence for Local Adaptation of Hunter-Gatherers to the African Rainforest
Current Biology Vol 29, pp.1-10
34. Verdu P (2019)
Pourquoi la génétique des populations ne dit-elle rien sur l’autochtonie des populations Pygmées d’Afrique Centrale ?
in Quel devenir pour les pygmées à l’orée du XXIe siècle ? Ed. Kulesza P and Robillard M, Editions L’Harmattan
––––- 2018
33. Estoup A, Verdu P, Marin J-M, Robert C, Dehne-Garcia A, Cornuet J-M, and Pudlo P (2018)
Application of ABC to infer the genetic history of Pygmy hunter-gatherer populations from Western Central Africa
in Handbook of Approximate Bayesian Computation Chapman and Hall/CRC, p. 541-567
32. Pemberton TJ*, Verdu P*, Becker NS, Willer CJ, Hewlett BS, Le Bomin S, Froment A, Rosenberg NA, and Heyer E (2018) * equal contributors
A genome scan for genes underlying adult body size differences between Central African hunter-gatherers and farmers
Human Genetics 137 (6-7), 487-509
31. Fortes-Lima C, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Marin-Padrón LC, Gomez-Cabezas EJ, Bækvad-Hansen M, Søholm Hansen M, Le P, Hougaard DM, Verdu P, Mors O, Parra EJ, and Marcheco-Teruel B (2018)
Exploring Cuba’s population structure and demographic history using genome-wide data
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 11422
30. Lopez M*, Kousathanas A*, Quach H, Harmant C, Mouguiama-Daouda P, Hombert J-M, Froment A, Perry G.H., Barreiro L.B., Verdu P, Patin E and Quintana-Murci LL (2018)* equal contributors
The demographic history and mutational load of African hunter-gatherers and farmers
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (4), 721
29. Buzbas EO, Verdu P (2018)
Inference on admixture fractions in a mechanistic model of recurrent admixture
Theoretical Population Biology 122, 149-157
> Editor’s choice for TPB special issue Paul Joyce
28. Estoup A, Raynal L, Verdu P and Marin JM (2018)
Model choice using Approximate Bayesian Computation and Random Forests: analyses based on model grouping to make inferences about the genetic history of Pygmy human populations
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 159 (3), 167-190
––––- 2017
27. Thouzeau V, Mennecier P, Verdu P*, Austerlitz F* (2017) * equal supervisors
Genetic and linguistic histories in Central Asia inferred using Approximate Bayesian computations
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284 (1861), 20170706
26. Verdu P*, Jewett EM*, Pemberton TJ, Rosenberg NA** and Baptista M** (2017) * equal contributors,** equal supervisors
Parallel Trajectories of Genetic and Linguistic Admixture in a Genetically Admixed Creole Population
Current Biology Vol 27, Issue 16, pp. 2529–2535
25. Patin E*, Lopez M, Grollemund R, Verdu P, Harmant C, Quach H, Laval G, Perry GH, Barreiro LB, Froment A, Heyer E, Massougbodji A, Fortes-Lima C, Migot-Nabias F, Bellis G, Dugoujon J-M, Pereira JB, Fernandes V, Pereira L, Van der Veen L, Mouguiama-Daouda P, Bustamante CD, Hombert JM, Quintana-Murci Ll* (2017) * equal contributors
Dispersals and genetic adaptation of Bantu-speaking populations in Africa and North America
Science 356, 543–546
24. George H Perry and Verdu P (2017)
Genomic perspectives on the history and evolutionary ecology of tropical rainforest occupation by humans
Quaternary International 448, 150-157
> Editor’s invited Review article
––––- 2016
23. Verdu P (Accepted 2015)
Sociocultural behaviors and human genetic diversity
in International Encyclopedia of Anthropology Wiley Publishing Group (Cambridge, UK)
> Editor’s invited Review article
22. Verdu P (2016)
African Pygmies
Current Biology Jan 11 ;26(1):R12-4. doi:0.1016/j.cub.2015.10.023
> Editor’s invited Review article
––––- 2015
21. Ségurel L and Verdu P (2015)
Peut−on voir nos différences génétiques ?
in Une Belle Histoire de l’Homme Ed. Evelyne Heyer ; Flammarion−MNHN, p. 24−26
20. Verdu P and Bahuchet S (2015)
Comments on « Middle to Late Holocene Paleoclimatic Change and the Early Bantu Expansion in the Rain Forests of Western Central Africa » by K Bostoen, et al.
Current Anthropology 56 (3), 354−384
19. Verdu P and Austerlitz F (2015)
Post marital residence behaviours shape genetic variation in hunter−gatherer and agricultural populations from Central Africa
Hunter Gatherer Research 1 (1), 107−124
––––- 2014
18. Goldberg A, Verdu P, and Rosenberg NA (2014)
Autosomal admixture levels are informative about sex bias in admixed populations
Genetics 198 (3), 1209−1229
17. Verdu P, Pemberton TJ, Laurent R, Kemp BM, Gonzalez-Oliver A, Gorodezky C, Hughes CE, Shattuck MR, Petzelt B, Mitchell J, Harry H, William T, Worl R, Cybulski JS, Rosenberg NA, and Malhi RS. (2014)
Patterns of admixture and population structure in native populations of northwest North America
Plos Genetics 10(8):e1004530. doi : 0.1371/journal.pgen.1004530. eCollection 2014.
16. Patin E, Siddle KJ, Laval G, Quach H, Harmant C, Becker N, Froment A, Régnault B, Lemée L, Gravel S, Hombert JM, Van der Veen L, Dominy NJ, Perry GH, Barreiro LB, Verdu P, Heyer E, and Quintana-Murci L (2014)
The impact of agricultural emergence on the genetic history of African rainforest hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists
Nature Communications 5:3163. doi : 10.1038/ncomms4163
15. Aimé C, Verdu P, Ségurel L, Martinez-Cruz B, Hegay T, Heyer E, and Austerlitz F (2014)
Microsatellite data show recent demographic expansions in sedentary but not in nomadic human populations in Africa and Eurasia
European Journal of Human Genetics doi : 10.1038/ejhg.2014.2
14. Verdu P (2014)
Population Genetics of Central African Pygmies and non-Pygmies
in Hunter-Gatherers of the Congo Basin : Culture, History and Biology of African Pygmies Ed. Barry S. Hewlett, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick (New Jersey)
––––- 2013
13. Aimé C, Laval G, Patin E, Verdu P, Segurel L, Chaix R, Hegay T, Quintana-Murci L, Heyer E, and Austerlitz F (2013)
Human genetic data reveal contrasting demographic patterns between sedentary and nomadic populations that predate the emergence of farming
Molecular Biology and Evolution 30(12):2629-44
12. Verdu P, Becker NS, Froment A, Georges M, Grugni V, Quintana-Murci L, Hombert JM, Van der Veen L, Le Bomin S, Bahuchet S, Heyer E, and Austerlitz F (2013)
Sociocultural behavior, sex-biased admixture, and effective population sizes in Central African Pygmies and non-Pygmies
Molecular Biology and Evolution 30(4):918-937
11. Verdu P (2013)
Perspectives de la génétique humaine sur l’origine et la diversité des populations pygmées d’Afrique centrale
Journal des Africanistes Tome 82 - Fascicule 1-2 pp. 53-72
10. Becker NS, Verdu P, Georges M, Duquesnoy P, Froment A, Amselem S, Le Bouc Y, and Heyer E (2013)
The role of GHR and IGF1 genes in the genetic determination of African pygmies’ short stature
European Journal of Human Genetics 21(6):653-658
––––- 2012
9. Verdu P and Destro-Bisol G (2012)
African Pygmies, what’s behind a name ?
Human Biology 84(1):1-10
> Invited editorial
––––- 2011
8. Verdu P and Rosenberg NA (2011)
A general mechanistic model for admixture histories of hybrid populations
Genetics 189(4):1413-1426
> Editor’s choice for the Decembre 2011 journal-issue highlights
7. Becker NS*, Verdu P*, Froment A, Le Bomin S, Pagezy H, Bahuchet S, and Heyer E (2011) * equal contributors
Indirect evidence for the genetic determination of short stature in African Pygmies
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 145(3):390-401
––––- 2010
6. Verdu P, Leblois R, Froment A, Thery S, Bahuchet S, Rousset F, Heyer E, and Vitalis R (2010)
Limited dispersal in mobile hunter-gatherer Baka Pygmies
Biology Letters 6(6):858-861>/p>
5. Becker NS*, Verdu P*, Hewlett B*, and Pavard S* (2010) * equal contributors
Can life history trade-offs explain the evolution of short stature in human pygmies ? A response to Migliano et al. (2007)
Human Biology 82(1):17-27
––––- 2009
4. Verdu P, Austerlitz F, Estoup A, Vitalis R, Georges M, Thery S, Froment A, Le Bomin S, Gessain A, Hombert JM, Van der Veen L, Quintana-Murci L, Bahuchet S, and Heyer E (2009)
Origins and genetic diversity of pygmy hunter-gatherers from Western Central Africa
Current Biology 19(4):312-318
––––- 2008
3. Quintana-Murci L, Quach H, Harmant C, Luca F, Massonnet B, Patin E, Sica L, Mouguiama-Daouda P, Comas D, Tzur S, Balanovsky O, Kidd KK, Kidd JR, van der Veen L, Hombert JM, Gessain A, Verdu P, Froment A, Bahuchet S, Heyer E, Dausset J, Salas A, and Behar DM (2008)
Maternal traces of deep common ancestry and asymmetric gene flow between Pygmy hunter-gatherers and Bantu-speaking farmers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(5):1596-1601
––––- 2006
2. Verdu P*, Barreiro LB*, Patin E, Gessain A, Cassar O, Kidd JR, Kidd KK, Behar DM, Froment A, Heyer E, Sica L, Casanova JL, Abel L, and Quintana-Murci L (2006) * equal contributors
Evolutionary insights into the high worldwide prevalence of MBL2 deficiency alleles
Human Molecular Genetics 15(17):2650-2658
> Editor’s choice for cover image
––––- 2005
1. Kim JJ, Verdu P, Pakstis AJ, Speed WC, Kidd JR, and Kidd KK (2005)
Use of autosomal loci for clustering individuals and populations of East Asian origin
Human Genetics 117(6):511-519
Merci Bruno Toupance !