Entité de rattachement
UMR 7206 - Anthropologie Génétique (AGène)
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Génétique des populations Asie intérieure Transition Néolithique
Anthropologie génétique


nina.marchi [at] mnhn.fr
+33 (0)1 44 05 72 93


Research focus

My research focuses on how human genetic diversity is shaped by various factors like cultural practices, migrations, and demographic shifts.

During my PhD, I studied the genetic makeup of Inner Asian populations, examining autosomal, Y chromosomal and mitochondrial markers, alongside ethnological data.

My postdoctoral work at the University of Bern further explores these themes by reconstructing the genomic origins of the world’s first farmers through demographic inference, based on neolithic whole genomes.

In addition to human data analysis, I employ computational simulations to investigate the genomic footprints of population structure and migration.



2018-2014: Post-doctoral researcher with teaching responsibilities 

Pr. Excoffier & Dr. Peischl (Institute for Ecology and Evolution, Univ. of Berne), Switzerland               

2014-2017: PhD Thesis in anthropological genetics                                                                             

“À la croisée de l’anthropologie et de la biologie évolutive: diversité génétique et comportements migratoires en Asie intérieure” pdf

Musée de l’Homme, National History Museum, Paris, France
Supervision: Pr. Heyer & Dr. Ségurel UMR 7206 (CNRS/MNHN  

2011-2013: Master in Evolution and Biological sciences 

Specialty in Genetics and Evolution

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

2010-2011: Bachelor in Biological and Molecular sciences

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France 

2008-2010: Post-secondary preparatory classes in Science for competitive examination 

CPGE BCPST, Lycée Thiers, Marseille, France 



CV_NinaMARCHI_02102024.pdf Format (Pdf) - 308.15 Ko


  • Marchi Nina, Oliveira Sandra & Excoffier Laurent, 2024Assessing the limits of local ancestry inference from small reference panels. Molecular Ecology Resources vol. 24, n° 6, e13981
  • Marchi Nina, Kapopoulou Adamandia & Excoffier Laurent, octobre 2023Demogenomic inference from spatially and temporally heterogeneous samples. Molecular Ecology Resources vol. 24, n° 1,
  • Suzuki Taichi, Fitzstevens J. Liam, Schmidt Victor, Enav Hagay, Huus Kelsey, Mbong Ngwese Mirabeau, R. Adegbite Bayode, Zinsou Jeannot, Esen Meral, Velavan Thirumalaisamy, Adegnika Ayola, Song Le Huu, Spector Timothy, Muehlbauer Amanda, Marchi Nina et al., septembre 2022Codiversification of gut microbiota with humans. Science vol. 377, n° 6612, p. 1328-1332
  • Guarino-Vignon Perle, Marchi Nina, Bendezu-Sarmiento Julio, Heyer Evelyne & Bon Céline, 2022Genetic continuity of Indo-Iranian speakers since the Iron Age in southern Central Asia. Since prehistoric times, southern Central Asia has been at the crossroads of the movement of people, culture, and goods. Today… Scientific Reports vol. 12, , p. 733 Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
  • Guarino-Vignon Perle, Marchi Nina, Chimènes Amélie, Monnereau Aurore, Kroll Sonja, Mashkour Marjan, Lhuillier Johanna, Bendezu-Sarmiento Julio, Heyer Evelyne & Bon Céline, 2022Genetic analysis of a bronze age individual from Ulug-depe (Turkmenistan). Frontiers in Genetics vol. 13, , dir. {Frontiers} p. 884612 Publisher: Frontiers
  • Marchi Nina, Winkelbach Laura, Schulz Ilektra, Brami Maxime, Hofmanová Zuzana, Blöcher Jens, Reyna-Blanco Carlos S, Diekmann Yoan, Thiéry Alexandre, Kapopoulou Adamandia, Link Vivian, Piuz Valérie, Kreutzer Susanne, Figarska Sylwia M, Ganiatsou Elissavet et al., 2022The genomic origins of the world’s first farmers. Cell vol. 185, n° 11, 1842 - 1859.e18
  • Excoffier Laurent, Marchi Nina, Marques David Alexander, Matthey-Doret Remi, Gouy Alexandre & Sousa Vitor C, décembre 2021fastsimcoal2 : demographic inference under complex evolutionary scenarios. Bioinformatics vol. 37, n° 24, p. 4882-4885
  • Masi Shelly, Austerlitz Frédéric, Chabaud Chloé, Lafosse Sophie, Marchi Nina, Georges Myriam, Dessarps-Freichey Françoise, Miglietta Silvia, Sotto-Mayor Andrea, Galli Aurore San, Meulman Ellen, Pouydebat Emmanuelle, Krief Sabrina, Todd Angelique, Fuh Terence et al., juin 2021No evidence for female kin association, indications for extragroup paternity, and sex-biased dispersal patterns in wild western gorillas. Ecology and Evolution vol. 11, n° 12, dir. {Wiley Open Access} p. 7634-7646 Type: Journal Article
  • Marchi Nina & Excoffier Laurent, juin 2020Gene flow as a simple cause for an excess of high-frequency-derived alleles. Evolutionary Applications vol. 13, , p. 2254-2263
  • Ségurel Laure, Guarino-Vignon Perle, Marchi Nina, Lafosse Sophie, Laurent Romain, Bon Céline, Fabre Alexandre, Hegay Tatyana & Heyer Evelyne, juin 2020Why and when was lactase persistence selected for? Insights from Central Asian herders and ancient DNA. PLoS Biology vol. 18, n° 6, e3000742