- 2020 : Master 2 « Anthropologie de l’alimentation » (EDTS, MNHN/AgroParisTech, Paris, 2h30)
- 2019 : MOOC « Human Population and Evolutionary Genetics » (Institut Pasteur)
- 2017-présent : Master 2 « Génomes, Populations, Espèces » (ENS, Paris, 1h30).
- 2018 : Master 2 « Alimentation et sociétés » (EDTS, MNHN, Paris, 2h).
- 2015-présent : Cours public du Muséum « Comportement, Anatomie des Primates et évolution de l’Homme » (MNHN, Paris, 1h30)
- 2015-présent : License 2 « Anthropologie biologique » (MNHN-IRD, Paris, 2h)
- 2013-2015: Master 2 « Human Evolutionary Genetics » (Univ Paris Diderot, 1h30).
- 2014 : Cours public « Human Population Genomics and Genetic Epidemiology » (Institut Pasteur, 1h30).
- 2009 : Formation permanente des enseignants SVT du secondaire (Académie de Versailles, 3h).
- 2008 : Master 2 d’Agronomie (AgroParisTech, 2h).
- 2007-2010 : Master 2 d’Ecologie humaine (ED227, MNHN, 1h30).
Broad research interests : Using genetic data to understand human evolution : How are populations adapting to diverse environmental pressures (climate, diet, pathogens) ? How are humans and microbes co-evolving ? How various cultural features (matrimonial rules, language) shape the genetic diversity ?
Thématiques de recherche : Chercheure en anthropologie génétique basée au Musée de l’Homme à Paris, je m’intéresse principalement à la manière dont les populations humaines s’adaptent à leur environnement, en particulier comment elles évoluent génétiquement en réponse à leur alimentation. D’une part, il s’agit de comprendre les adaptations qui ont eu lieu lors de la révolution néolithique, une transition culturelle majeure il y a environ 10 000 ans qui a été marquée par les débuts de l’agriculture et de l’élevage et au cours de laquelle diverses populations se sont mises à consommer en quantité des céréales et des produits laitiers. Pour cela, j’étudie la diversité génomique humaine et je cherche à détecter les signatures de la sélection naturelle. D’autre part, la révolution industrielle a également été marquée par de profondes modifications alimentaires. Bien que le génome humain n’ait pas eu le temps de s’adapter à ces contraintes trop récentes, les bactéries intestinales, elles, semblent avoir déjà évolué, ce qui n’est pas sans effet sur notre santé. J’étudie ainsi le microbiote intestinal de populations non-industrielles pour comprendre l’intime relation entre l’Homme et ses bactéries.
Vidéo « Les acteurs du muséee-laboratoire ».
ON-GOING : Towards a better characterization of the human gut microbiome and its coevolution with human dietary regimes. (ANR MICROREGAL)
Detecting ancient balancing selection using human and chimp genome-wide data.
The evolutionary history of the ABO histo-blood group locus in primates
The evolution of recombination between human and chimp, and the role of PRDM9.
Deciphering the complex evolution of genes involved in human adaptation to diet, see NUTGENEVOL
Influence of social organization on sex-specific demography and other projects related to the peopling of Central Asia, see CENTRAL ASIA
Oct 2013-present : CNRS Position, UMR 7206 Ecoanthropology and ethnobiology
2010-2013 : Postdoctoral researcher with Molly Przeworski at the University of Chicago, IL, USA
2007-2010 : PhD with Évelyne Heyer and Renaud Vitalis in the UMR 7206 (MNHN-CNRS-Paris 7), Paris, France
- Segurel L, Guarino-Vignon P, Marchi N, Lafosse S, Laurent R, Bon C, Fabre A, Hegay T, Heyer E (2020). Why and when was lactase persistence selected for? Insights from Central Asian herders and ancient DNA. PLoS Biology. 18(6):e3000742.
Scientific press: Sciences et Avenir, Indo-European blog, - Lokmer A, Aflalo S, Amougou N, Lafosse S, Froment A, Tabe FE, Poyet M, Groussin M, Said-Mohamed R, Ségurel L (2020). Response of the human gut and saliva microbiome to urbanization in Cameroon. Scientific Reports. 18;10(1):2856.
- Lokmer A, Cian A, Froment A, Gantois N, Viscogliosi E, Chabé M#, Ségurel L# (2019). Use of shotgun metagenomics for the identification of protozoa in the gut microbiota of healthy individuals from worldwide populations with various industrialization levels. PLoS One. 14(2):e0211139 #Co-supervised this work
- Marchi N, Mennecier P, Georges M, Lafosse S, Hegay T, Dorjou T, Chichlo B, Ségurel L#, Heyer E# (2018). Close inbreeding and low genetic diversity in Inner Asian human populations despite geographical exogamy. Scientific Reports. 8(1):9397 #Cosupervised this work
Scientific press: Indo-European blog, - Chabé M, Lokmer A, Ségurel L (2017) Gut protozoa: friends or foes of the human gut microbiota? Trends Parasitol. pii: S1471-4922(17)30210-6
- Ségurel L, Bon C (2017). On the evolution of lactase persistence in humans. Annu Rev Genom Hum Genet. 18:297-319
Scientific press: BBC, Medium, ThoughtCo, - Marchi N, Hegay T, Mennecier P, Georges M, Laurent R, Whitten M, Endicott P, Aldashev A, Dorzhu C, Nasyrova F, Chichlo B, Ségurel L, Heyer E (2017). Sexspecific genetic diversity is shaped by cultural factors in Inner Asian human populations. Am J Phys Anthropol. 162(4):627-640
- Dikongué E, Ségurel L (2017). Latitude as a co-driver of human gut microbial diversity. Bioessays. doi :10.1002/bies.201600145
- Pickrell JK, Berisa T, Liu JZ, Ségurel L, Tung JY, Hinds D (2016). Detection and interpretation of shared genetic influences on 42 humain traits. Nat Genet. 48(7):709- 17
- Lucotte EA, Laurent R, Heyer E, Ségurel L# , Toupance B# (2016). Detection of allelic frequency differences between the sexes in humans : a signature of sexually antagonistic selection. Genome Biol Evol. 8(5):1489-500 # Co-supervised this work
- Morton ER, Lynch J, Froment A, Lafosse S, Heyer E, Przeworski M, Blekhman R, Ségurel L (2015). Variation in rural African gut microbiota is strongly correlated with colonization by Entamoeba and subsistence. PLoS Genetics. 11(11):e1005658
Scientific press: Presse CNRS, National Geographic, John Hawks weblog, Genome Web, Blastocystis Parasite Blog - Ségurel L & Quintana-Murci L (2014). Preserving immune diversity through ancient inheritance and admixture. Curr Opin Immunol. 30C :79-84
- Ségurel L, Wyman MJ, Przeworki M (2014). Determinants of Mutation Rate Variation in the Human Germline. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet. 15:47-70
Scientific press: Dienekes Blog - Kermany AR, Ségurel L, Oliver TR, Przeworski M (2014). TroX: a new method to learn about the genesis of aneuploidy from trisomic products of conception. Bioinformatics. 30(14):2035-42
- Aimé C, Verdu P, Ségurel L, Martinez-Cruz B, Hegay T, Heyer E, Austerlitz F (2014). Microsatellite data show recent demographic expansions in sedentary but not in nomadic human populations in Africa and Eurasia. Eur J Hum Genet. 22(10):1201-7
- Aimé C, Laval G, Patin E, Verdu P, Ségurel L, Chaix R, Hegay T, Quintana-Murci L, Heyer E, Austerlitz F (2013). Human genetic data reveal contrasting demographic patterns between sedentary and nomadic populations that predates the emergence of farming. Mol Biol Evol. 30(12):2629-44
Scientific press: Presse CNRS, MBE news, Popular Archeology, Times of India - Ségurel L, Gao Z, Przeworski M (2013). Ancestry runs deeper than blood: The evolutionary history of ABO points to cryptic variation of functional importance. Bioessays. 35(10):862-7.
Scientific press: UChicago DailyTech - Ségurel L (2013). The complex binding of PRDM9. Genome Biol. 14(1):112.
- Leffler EM*, Gao Z*, Pfeifer S*, Ségurel L*, Auton A, Venn O, Bowden R, Bontrop R, Wall JD, Sella G, Donnelly D, McVean G# , Przeworski M# (2013). Multiple instances of ancient balancing selection shared between humans and chimpanzees. Science. 339(6127):1578-82. * Equally contributed. # Co-supervised this work
Scientific press: ScienceMag, Evo and Proud, Dickinson Blog, UChicago News, Theor Ecol blog, Redorbit, Archeology Network - Ségurel L, Austerlitz F, Toupance B, Gautier M, Kelley JL, Pasquet P, Lonjou C, Georges M, Voisin S, Cruaud C, Couloux A, Hegay T, Aldashev A, Vitalis R, Heyer E (2013) Positive selection of protective variants for type 2 diabetes from the Neolithic onward: a case study in Central Asia. Eur J Hum Genet. 21(10):1146-51
Scientific press: ScienceLife - Ségurel L*, Thompson EE*, Flutre T, Lovstad J, Venkat A, Margulis SW, Moyse J, Ross S, Gamble K, Sella G, Ober C# , Przeworski M# (2012) The ABO blood group is a trans-species polymorphism in primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(45):18493- 8. * Equally contributed. # Co-supervised this work
Scientific press: Haldane’s Sieve, SCOPE (MIT), Science News, The conversation, Biofutur, Hematology Times, Discover magazine, Examiner - Leffler EM, Bullaughey K*, Matute DR*, Meyer WK*, Ségurel L*, Venkat A*, Andolfatto P, Przeworski M (2012) Revisiting an old riddle: what determines genetic diversity levels within species? PLoS Biol. 10(9):e1001388. * Equally contributed
- Auton A*, Fledel-Alon A*, Pfeifer S*, Venn O*, Ségurel L, Street T, Leffler EM, Bowden R, Aneas I, Broxholme J, Humburg P, Iqbal Z, Lunter G, Maller J, Hernandez R, Melton C, Venkat A, Nobrega M, Bontrop R, Myers S, Donnelly D# , Przeworski M# , McVean G# (2012) A fine-scale chimpanzee genetic map from population sequencing. Science. 336(6078):193-8. * Equally contributed. # Cosupervised this work
Scientific press: Science News, Science daily - Ségurel L, Leffler EM, and Przeworski M (2011) The case of the fickle fingers: how the PRDM9 zinc finger specifies meiotic recombination hotspots in humans. PLoS Biol. 9(12):e1001211
- Heyer E, Brazier L, Ségurel L, Hegay T, Austerlitz F, Quintana-Murci L, Georges M, Pasquet P, Veuille M (2011) Lactase persistence in central Asia: phenotype, genotype and evolution. Hum Biol. 83(3):379-92
- Martínez-Cruz B, Vitalis R, Ségurel L, Austerlitz F, Georges M, Théry S, QuintanaMurci L, Hegay T, Aldashev A, Nasyrova F, Heyer E (2011) In the heartland of Eurasia: the multilocus genetic landscape in Central Asian populations. Eur J Hum Genet. 19(2):216-23
- Heyer E, Ségurel L (2010) Looking for signatures of sex-specific demography and local adaptation on the X chromosome. Genome Biol. 11(1):203
- Ségurel L, Lafosse S, Heyer E, Vitalis R (2010) Frequency of the AGT Pro11Leu polymorphism in humans: Does diet matter? Ann Hum Genet. 74(1):57-64
- Heyer E, Balaresque P, Jobling MA, Quintana-Murci L, Chaix R, Ségurel L, Aldashev A, Hegay T (2009) Genetic diversity and the emergence of ethnic groups in Central Asia. BMC Genet. 10:49
- Ségurel L, Martinez-Cruz B, Quintana-Murci L, Balaresque P, Georges M, Hegay T, Aldashev A, Nasyrova F, Jobling MA, Heyer E, Vitalis R (2008) Sex-specific genetic structure and social organization in Central Asia: insights from a multi-locus study. PLoS Genet. 4(9):e 1000200.
Scientific press: Wellcome Trust News, Presse CNRS
Autres publications
- Charlier P, Augias A, Sansonetti P, Bon C, Kennedy S, Ségurel L (2017) Importance of microbiome study for contemporaneous medical problematics. Médecine/Sciences. N°33(11):984-990
- Charlier P, Augias A, Sansonetti P, Bouchet F, Bon C, Kennedy S, Segurel L (2017) Étude paléoparasitologique des latrines du Pavillon royal et du 3e Pavillon du Levant du Château de Marly. Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles. Sociétés de cour en Europe, XVIe-XIXe siècle - European Court Societies, 16th to 19th Centuries
Chapitres d’ouvrage
- Ségurel L. « Influence du mode de vie sur la diversité génétique en Asie Centrale » In Œuvre collective, L’anthropologie du vivant : objets et méthodes, Edition CNRS GDR 3267, Paris. 2010
- Heyer E, Ségurel L, Hegay T. « Anthropological genetics in Central Asia : On the peopling of the region and the interplay between cultural traits and genetic diversity » In Sophie Roche (ed.), The Family in Central Asia. New Perspectives, Edition Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin. 2017
Oral Communications
2019 : Table ronde: « Le sens du Gout » (MNHN)
2019 : Communication plénière invitée au workshop régional Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes « Microbiome » (Lyon, France) « The human gut and saliva microbiome along a gradient of urbanization in Cameroon »
2019 : Communication plénière invitée au meeting « Eukaryome » (Paris, France) « Human lifestyles, protozoa and the gut microbiota »
2019 : GDR Génomique Environnementale (La Rochelle, France) « On the influence of urbanization on the human gut and oral microbiome »
2019 : Séminaire invité au Collège de France (Cycle de conférences sur l’origine évolutive des variations génétiques), Paris, France. « Adaptation à la consommation de lait chez l’Homme : un cas d’école pourtant encore bien mystérieux »
2019 : Conférence invitée pour les JFHOD (Journées Francophones d’Hépato-gastroentérologie et d’Oncologie Digestive), Paris, France, « Adaptation des populations humaines à la consommation de lait: aspects évolutifs »
2017: Communication invitée à la conférence HCEO « Gut Microbiome in Human Biology and Health » (Chicago, USA), « The rural African gut microbiota: influence of diet and parasitism »
2017: Communication plénière invitée à EMBO: « Anaeorobic protists : Integrating parasitology with mucosal microbiota and immunology » (Newcastle, UK), « Biodiversity of the human gut microbiome: influence of diet and parasitism »
2017: XVIst ESEB meeting (European Society for Evolutionary Biology), Groningen, the Netherlands, « Biodiversity of the human gut microbiome: influence of diet and parasitism »
2017: International conference on Holobionts, Paris, France, « Biodiversity of the human gut microbiome: influence of diet and parasitism »
2017: Symposium « Symbiosis in evolution, biology and human health », IBPS, Paris, France, « Biodiversity of the human gut microbiome: influence of diet and parasitism »
2016 : Journée scientifique Bilille - Metagenomics, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France , « Biodiversity of the gut microbiome at a local scale: influence of diet, parasitism and host genetics »
2016 : 29th annual meeting on The Biology of Genomes, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA, « Biodiversity of the human gut microbiome at a local scale : influence of diet, parasitism and host genetics »
2016 : Belgium-French meeting on Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics (ALPHY), Lille, France, Influence of diet and parasitism on the biodiversity of the gut microbiota in rural human populations from Cameroon
2014 : Workshop « Family in the history of Central Asia », Heidelberg, Germany
2014 : International congress of the Paris Anthropological Society, Montpellier, France, « Genetic adaptations to diet in herders and farmers from Central Asia : the case of type 2 diabetes »
2012 : Annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, « When ancestry runs deep : Trans-species polymorphism in apes »
2012 : Jacques Monod Conference, Roscoff, France, « Blood ties : ABO is a trans-species polymorphism in primates »
2011 : Annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Montréal, Canada, « Blood ties : ABO is a trans-species polymorphism in primates »
2010 : Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Lyon, France, « Genetic adaptations to diet in herders and farmers from Central Asia : the case of type 2 diabetes »
2010 : 79th meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, Albuquerque, USA, « Looking for genetic adaptations to diet from a comparative study of herders and farmers of Central Asia »
2009 : 4th international conference of the series : « DNA polymorphisms in human populations », Rome, Italy, « Looking for genetic adaptations to diet from a comparative study of herders and farmers of Central Asia »
2009 : GDR 1928 « Population genomics and evolutionary genetics », Paris, France, « Genes associated to type II diabetes : what kind of selection for which lifestyle ? »
2009 : International congress of the Paris Anthropological Society, Paris, France, « How human can adapt to diet »
2008 : GDR 1928 « Population genomics and evolutionary genetics », Sète, France, « Genetic structure of men and women in Central Asia »
Thesis, available online
Influence of lifestyle on the genetic diversity of human populations from Central Asia
Ecole doctorale : Diversité du vivant, Univ. Paris 6. Direction : Évelyne Heyer et Renaud Vitalis.
Abstract :
This thesis aims at asking to which extent lifestyle shapes the human genetic diversity. In order to tackle this issue, we have chosen to study different ethnic groups in Central Asia, which have contrasted social organization and modes of subsistence. We have first compared the /a priori/ neutral genetic diversity of traditionally herders organized in patrilineal societies and of farmers organized in cognatic families (the individuals are defined through their paternal filiation or equally through both sexes, respectively). The comparison of the genetic variation on the autosomes and on the X chromosome allowed us to show that men have a reduced effective population size and migration rate as compared to that of women in patrilineal societies but not in cognatic groups. This contrasted sex-specific genetic structure seems to be the direct consequence of the patrilineal social organization. Then, in order to test if different modes of subsistence (herders, farmers) have led to distinct selective pressures between populations in Central Asia, we have studied the genetic diversity of genes linked to diet. For the lactase gene, which can be lead to the digestion of lactose into adulthood, and for the /AGXT/ gene, described as facilitating meat digestion, we have not found differences in genetic diversity between herders and farmers. We were also interested in genes linked to insulin resistance, a phenotype proposed as advantageous in populations which do not have a lot of carbohydrates in their diet, as herders. We could first show that herders (represented by Kyrgyz) have nearly twice more insulin resistance than farmers (represetned by Tajik). These ethnic groups therefore have a different physiological response to carbohydrate consumption, as expected under the previous evolutionary hypothesis. Furthermore, we have found some signatures on local adaptation on some genes associated with insulin resistance. Hence, herders and farmers in Central Asia seem to have adapted to different diet. This thesis therefore supports the influence of cultural factors (social organization, mode of subsistence) on the evolution of genetic diversity in human populations.
Keywords :
genetic diversity, demographic history, adaptation, Central Asia, social organization, mode of subsistence, insulin resistance
Terrains de recherche
- Cameroun (2013, 2017)
- Mongolie (2019)
- avril 2021 — Elevated Rates of Horizontal Gene Transfer in The Industrialized Human Microbiome. Cell vol. 184, n° 8, 2053-2067.e18,
- juin 2020 — Why and when was lactase persistence selected for? Insights from Central Asian herders and ancient DNA. PLoS Biology vol. 18, n° 6, e3000742,
- février 2020 — Response of the human gut and saliva microbiome to urbanization in cameroon. Scientific Reports vol. 10, n° 1, dir. {Nature Publishing Group},
- juin 2018 — Close Inbreeding and Low Genetic Diversity in Inner Asian Human Populations Despite Geographical Exogamy. Scientific Reports vol. 8, n° 1, p. 9397,ISSN2045-2322
- avril 2017 — Sex-Specific Genetic Diversity Is Shaped by Cultural Factors in Inner Asian Human Populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology vol. 162, n° 4, p. 627-640,
- 2016 — Detection of Allelic Frequency Differences between the Sexes in Humans : a Signature of Sexually Antagonistic Selection. Genome Biology and Evolution vol. 8, n° 5, p. 1489-1500,
- 2015 — Variation in Rural African Gut Microbiota is Strongly Correlated with Colonization by Entamoeba and Subsistence. PLoS genetics vol. 11, n° 11,,
- 2014 — Microsatellite Data Show Recent Demographic Expansions in Sedentary but not in Nomadic Human Populations in Africa and Eurasia. European Journal of Human Genetics vol. 22, n° 10, p. 1201,
- 2013 — Human Genetic Data Reveal Contrasting Demographic Patterns between Sedentary and Nomadic Populations That Predate the Emergence of Farming. Molecular Biology and Evolution vol. 30, n° 12, p. 2629-2644,
- 2013 — Positive Selection of Protective Variants for Type 2 Diabetes from the Neolithic Onward: A Case Study in Central Asia. European Journal of Human Genetics vol. 21, n° 10, p. 1146-1151,