Statut : Chercheur associé
Laboratoire :
UMR 8079 Écologie, Systématique, Évolution
Université Paris Sud/CNRS/AgroParisTech
Recherche actuelle
BRISK : Bridging Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge about global change in the Arctic (Program funded by the French National Research Agency)
Thèse au laboratoire d’écoanthropologie soutenue en 2009
Roturier, S. 2009. Managing reindeer lichen during forest regeneration procedures : Linking Sami herders’ knowledge and forestry. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Doctoral thesis No. 84. (available here)
Fakta om min Doktorsavhandling (på svenska) och (sámegiella)
Publications associées
Roturier, S. 2011. Sami herders’ classification system of reindeer winter pastures – A contribution to adapt forest management to reindeer herding in northern Sweden. Rangifer 31(1), 61-69. (available here)
Roturier, S., Sundén, M.& Bergsten, U. 2011. Re-establishment rate of reindeer lichen species following conventional disc trenching and HuMinMix soil preparation in Pinus-lichen clear-cut stands : A survey study in northern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 26(2), 90-98.
Roturier, S. & Roué, M. 2009. Of forest, snow and lichen : Sami reindeer herders’ knowledge of winter pastures in northern Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management 258(9), 1960-1967.
Roturier, S., Bäcklund, S., Sundén, M., Bergsten, U. 2007. Influence of ground substrate on establishment of reindeer lichen after artificial dispersal. Silva Fennica 41(2), 269-280. (available here)
Roturier, S., Bergsten, U. 2006. Influence of soil scarification on reindeer foraging and damage to planted Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research21(3), 209-220.