Entité de rattachement
UMR 7206 - Anthropologie Génétique (AGène)
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Paléogénétique - Bio-informatique - Biostatistique


Réseaux sociaux
mael.lefeuvre [at] mnhn.fr
mael.lefeuvre [at] edu.mnhn.fr


I am a PhD student interested in the reconstruction of close genetic kinship ties from human remains within archaeological contexts, as a means to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and funerary practices of ancient societies. My PhD project primarily centers on the development and optimization of bioinformatics tools for analyzing genetic relatedness, by benchmarking previously published bioinformatic methods using in-silico simulations of pedigrees and ancient DNA. This work also lead to my involvement in the ANR « Paris Ancient DNA » and ANR « Kura in Motion » projects, to apply these optimized methods and elucidate the presence of closely related individuals within several archaeological contexts. 


Research experience


  • Lefeuvre M, Martin M, Jay F, Marsolier M, Bon C. GRUPS-rs, a high-performance ancient DNA genetic relatedness estimation software relying on pedigree simulations. Hum Popul Genet Genom 4(1):0001 (2024) https://doi.org/10.47248/hpgg2404010001
  • Guarino-Vignon P, Lefeuvre M, Chimènes A et al. Genome-wide analysis of a collective grave from Mentesh Tepe provides insight into the population structure of early neolithic population in the South Caucasus. Commun Biol 6, 319 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-023-04681-w



  • Lefeuvre Maël, Céline Bon, Marsolier Kergoat Mc & Thomas Aline, janvier 2021« Comparaison des méthodes d’estimation de la parenté génétique en ADN ancien, via des simulations d’arbres généalogiques » in Colloque annuel de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris - 1846e réunion scientifique.. , ,