Entité de rattachement
UMR 7206 - Anthropologie biologique et Bio-archéologie (ABBA)


alain.froment [at] mnhn.fr


  • Groussin Mathieu, Poyet Mathilde, Sistiaga Ainara, Kearney Sean, Moniz Katya, Noel Mary, Hooker Jeff, Gibbons Sean, Segurel Laure, Froment Alain, Mohamed Rihlat Said, Fezeu Alain, Juimo Vanessa, Lafosse Sophie, Tabe Francis et al., avril 2021Elevated Rates of Horizontal Gene Transfer in The Industrialized Human Microbiome. Cell vol. 184, n° 8, 2053-2067.e18
  • Lokmer Ana, Aflalo Sophie, Amougou Norbert N., Lafosse Sophie, Froment Alain, Ekwin Tabe Francis, Poyet Mathilde, Groussin Mathieu, Said-Mohamed Rihlat & Ségurel Laure, février 2020Response of the human gut and saliva microbiome to urbanization in cameroon. Scientific Reports vol. 10, n° 1, dir. {Nature Publishing Group}
  • Lopez Marie, Choin Jeremy, Sikora Martin, Siddle Katherine, Harmant Christine, Costa Helio, Silvert Martin, Mouguiama-Daouda Patrick, Hombert Jean-Marie, FROMENT Alain, LE BOMIN Sylvie, Perry George, Barreiro Luis, Bustamante Carlos D., VERDU Paul et al., septembre 2019Genomic Evidence for Local Adaptation of Hunter-Gatherers to the African Rainforest. Current Biology - CB , ,
  • LOKMER Ana, Cian Amandine, FROMENT Alain, Gantois Nausicaa, Viscogliosi Eric, Chabé Magali & SÉGUREL Laure, février 2019Use of Shotgun Metagenomics for the Identification of Protozoa in The Gut Microbiota of Healthy Individuals from Worldwide Populations with Various Industrialization Levels. PLoS ONE vol. 14, n° 2, e0211139
  • Guérin Isabelle, Roubaud François, Guilmoto Christophe Z., Razafindrakoto Mireille, Pilon Marc, Léglise Isabelle, LeMeur Pierre-Yves, et al. 2019. « Cartographier Les Ressources Pour gérer Les priorités ». In Science Et développement Durable : 75 Ans De Recherche Au Sud. IRD. https://hal.ird.fr/ird-02272452.
  • Lopez Marie, Kousathanas Athanasios, Quach Helene, Harmant Christine, Mouguiama-Daouda Patrick, Hombert Jean-Marie, FROMENT Alain, Perry George H., Barreiro Luis B., VERDU Paul, Patin Etienne, Quintana-Murci Lluís, 2018The Demographic History and Mutational Load of African Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers. Nature Ecology & Evolution vol. 2, n° 4, p. 721
  • Pemberton Trevor J., VERDU Paul, Becker Noémie S, Willer Cristen J., Hewlett Barry S., LE BOMIN Sylvie, FROMENT Alain, Rosenberg Noah A. and HEYER Evelyne , 2018A Genome Scan for Genes Underlying Adult Body Size Differences Between Central African Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers. Human genetics vol. 137, n° 6-7, p. 487-509
  • Patin Etienne, Lopez Marie, Grollemund Rebecca, VERDU Paul, Harmant Christine, Quach Hélène, Laval Guillaume, Perry George H., Barreiro Luis B., FROMENT Alain, HEYER Evelyne, Massougbodji Achille, FORTES-LIMA César, Migot-Nabias Florence, Bellis Gil, Dugoujon Jean-Michel, Pereira Joana B., Fernandes Verónica, Pereira Luisa, Van der Veen Lolke, Mouguiama-Daouda Patrick, Bustamante Carlos D., Hombert Jean-Marie, Quintana-Murci Lluís, 2017Dispersals and Genetic Adaptation of Bantu-Speaking Populations in Africa and North America. Science vol. 356, n° 6337, p. 543-546
  • Fagny Maud, Patin Etienne, MacIsaac Julia L., Rotival Maxime, Flutre Timothée, Jones Meaghan J., Siddle KatherineJ., Quach Hélène, Harmant Christine, McEwen Lisa M., FROMENT Alain, HEYER Evelyne, Gessain Antoine, Betsem Edouard, Mouguiama-Daouda Patrick, Hombert Jean-Marie, Perry George H., Barreiro Luis B., Kobor Michael S., Quintana-Murci Lluís, 2015The Epigenomic Landscape of African Rainforest Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers. Nature Communications vol. 6, n° 1, p. 10047