Entité de rattachement
UMR 7206 - Interactions primates et environnement (IPE)
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
relations sociales et transmission sociale


Réseaux sociaux
julie.duboscq [at] mnhn.fr
julie.a.m.duboscq [at] gmail.com
+33 (0)1 44 05 73 67

Responsabilités dans l'unité

I am a behavioural biologist interested in the evolution, functions and mechanims of sociality. I mainly study social relationships and social processes in macaques in order to understand how and why they form and maintain relationships. 

  • costs and benefits of sociality
  • social complexity and dynamics
  • social cognition

Responsabilités hors unité

I am also an associate director of the Macaca Nigra Project (MNP, https://www.macaca-nigra.org/), a research-conservation-education field project dedicated to the study and conservation of the crested macaques, one of the flagship species of North Sulawesi. Crested macaques are critically endangered due to continuous threats from human expanding population, habitat loss, and hunting.


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Terrains de recherche

I study two very social species of primates but with very different social styles, the Japanese Macaca fuscata and the crested macaques Macaca nigra. Both form large social bisexual multi-generational groups. The former is “despotic” with a strict hierarchy and a strong kin bias in social interactions leading to clustered social networks; the latter is “tolerant” with a less steep hierarchy and a weak kin bias leading to denser social networks.

Crested macaques are studied as part of the Macaca Nigra Project in Sulawesi, Indonesia, in collaboration with Muhammad Agil and Dyah Perwiasarih-Farajallah from IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia. The project is studying the biology of the species since 2006 (www.macaca-nigra.org).

Macaques à crête à Tangkoko.png

Fig. 1 Crested macaques in Tangkoko Reserve, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. From left to right and top
to bottom: social time in the trees with two females in the foreground exchanging friendly bared-teeth
and lip-smacking expressions, an infant suckling his mother, a female presenting her sexual swelling
to a male, a male watching other group members interacting nearby, a male displaying a silent-bared
teeth face. Photo credit: Jérôme Micheletta (all but social time) and Meldi Tamengge (social time) / The
Macaca Nigra Project

Jérôme Micheletta (all but social time) and Meldi Tamengge (social time) / The Macaca Nigra Project

Japanese macaques are studied in Yakushima island and in Koshima island, in the south of Japan where they have been studied since the 1980s and 1950s respectively, in collaboration with Andrew MacIntosh from the Kyoto University Wildlife Research Center.

Macaques japonais à Koshima.png

Main group of Koshima island sunbathing, grooming, resting or feeding on the main beach

Julie Duboscq


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  • Moor Delphine De, MacaqueNet and Skelton Macaela, Schülke Oliver, Ostner Julia, Neumann Christof, Duboscq Julie & Brent Lauren J. N., septembre 2023MacaqueNet : big-team research into the biological drivers of social relationships. For many animals, social relationships are a key determinant of fitness. However, major gaps remain in our understanding of the… , , dir. bioRxiv Pages: 2023.09.07.552971 Section: New Results
  • Duboscq Julie & Micheletta Jerome, août 2023Macaca nigra in the Spotlight: Accounting for Diversity in Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation in Primates. International Journal of Primatology , ,
  • Duboscq Julie, Micheletta Jérôme, Perwitasari-Farajallah Dyah, Engelhardt Antje & Neumann Christof, août 2023Investigating the Relationship Between Sociality and Reproductive Success in Wild Female Crested Macaques, Macaca nigra. Studying the link between sociality and fitness is valuable to understand the costs and benefits of sociality. In many species,… International Journal of Primatology vol. 44, n° 4, p. 649-669
  • Rincon Alan V., Waller Bridget M, Duboscq Julie, Mielke Alexander, Pérez Claire, Clark Peter & Micheletta Jérôme, août 2023Higher social tolerance is associated with more complex facial behavior in macaques. The social complexity hypothesis for communicative complexity posits that animal societies with more complex social systems… eLife vol. 12, , Publisher: eLife Sciences Publications Limited
  • Zeller Karl, Garcia Cécile, Maille Audrey, Duboscq Julie, Morino Luca, Dezecache Guillaume & Bonnet Xavier, avril 2023Primate–Predator Interactions: Is There a Mismatch Between Laboratory and Ecological Evidence?. Abundant empirical and theoretical studies indicate that predation is a key driver of primate evolution. The Snake Detection… International Journal of Primatology vol. 44, n° 2, dir. {Springer Verlag} p. 258-281
  • Xu Zhihong, MacIntosh Andrew J. J., Castellano-Navarro Alba, Macanás-Martínez Emilio, Suzumura Takafumi & Duboscq Julie, novembre 2022Linking parasitism to network centrality and the impact of sampling bias in its interpretation. Group living is beneficial for individuals, but also comes with costs. One such cost is the increased possibility of pathogen… PeerJ vol. 10, , e14305 Publisher: PeerJ Inc.
  • Zeller Karl, Ballesta Sébastien, Meunier Hélène, Maille Audrey, Duboscq Julie, Morino Luca, Rimelé Adam, Dezecache Guillaume, Bonnet Xavier & Garcia Cécile, octobre 2022Evaluation des capacités de détection des prédateurs chez le macaque de Tonkean (Macaca tonkeana). , , Poster
  • Mielke Alexander, Waller Bridget M., Pérez Claire, Rincon Alan V., Duboscq Julie & Micheletta Jérôme, août 2022NetFACS : Using network science to understand facial communication systems. Understanding facial signals in humans and other species is crucial for understanding the evolution, complexity, and function… Behavior Research Methods vol. 54, n° 4, p. 1912-1927
  • Zeller Karl, Bonnet Xavier, Dezecache Guillaume, Duboscq Julie, Maille Audrey, Morino Luca, Meunier Hélène, Ballesta Sébastien, Mouquet Nicolas & Garcia Cécile, juin 2022« Les phobies animales, l’obsession des chercheurs pour les serpents » in Journée DIPEE Nouvelle-Aquitaine – Centre-val-de-Loire : La biodiversité dans tous ces états.. , ,