Entité de rattachement
UMR 7206 - Diversité et évolution culturelles (DivEC)
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Anthropology, Environment, Pastoralism, Commons, Mediterranean, Mountains, Heritage.
Environmental Anthropology


Réseaux sociaux
eco.anthropologies [at] gmail.com

Responsabilités dans l'unité

My name is Pablo Dominguez. I combine a 6 years BSc in Environmental Biology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, with a 7 years PhD research in Sociocultural Anthropology at the EHESS of Paris and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. After a 2 years’ research postdoc at the School of Anthropology and Conservation of Kent University (UK) and others at the UB and the UAB (Spain) doing both research and teaching, I integrated into the CNRS as Senior Researcher in 2017. My training as much as my present scientific approach are deeply transdisciplinary, and I like to define myself as an Environmental Anthropologist or Eco-Anthropologist. I am specialized on the management and governance of pastoral resources by local communities and their conservation capacities, as well as their biocultural diversity, particularly in the Mediterranean region but not exclusively. I have a particular expertise on social-environmental interactions, mountain territories, their heritage enhancement and its political implications. In fact, I also focus on possible alleys of support to these commons and their interesting values. I therefore also research ‘about’ and ‘for’ action in favor of the natural and cultural values of such systems, notably in Morocco, France, Spain and the Balkans. This takes me often to interact with civic society organizations, public bodies and different stakeholders and decision-makers in a continuous effort to favor knowledge transfer and application. More information at https://piccahers.org/

Publications: https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/pablo-dominguez?langChosen=fr


Terrains de recherche

Maroc, Espagne, France, Monténégro, Serbie


  • Mwamidi Daniel Maghanjo, Nunow Abdirizak Arale & Domínguez Pablo, février 2023Customary ecological conservation of Mwanda-Marungu Pastoral Commons in Taita Hills, south-west Kenya. African Journal of Range and Forage Science vol. 40, , dir. {National Inquiry Services Centre} p. 94-106
  • Pellicer Jorge, Kostic Maja & Domínguez Pablo, 2023Sinjajevina: una destrucción ecocultural en el contexto de la adhesión de Montenegro a la Europa verde. Ecología Política , n° 64, p. 122-126
  • Domínguez Pablo & Joët Naomé, 2022El caso Sinjajevina: de pastos comunales protegidos a campo de entrenamiento militar. , , dir. {The conversation : l'expertise universitaiire, l'exigence scientifique} 5 p. Média en ligne
  • Sanosa P., Ravera F., Domínguez Pablo & Ventura M., octobre 2021Pastoralist conservation : local ecological knowledge and collective action for grassland conservation in Sierra de Segura (Spain). , , Poster
  • Acosta-Naranjo Rufino, Rodríguez-Franco Ramón, Guzmán-Troncoso Antonio Jesús, Pardo-De-Santayana Manuel, Aceituno-Mata Laura, Gómez-Melara José, Domínguez Pablo, Díaz-Reviriego Isabel, González-Nateras Jessica & Reyes-García Victoria, mars 2021Gender Differences in Knowledge, Use, and Collection of Wild Edible Plants in Three Spanish Areas. Sustainability vol. 13, , dir. {MDPI} p. 16
  • Domínguez Pablo, 2021Assessing the economic contribution of the pastoral common of the Yagur. A pastoral territory managed communally by the traditional berber system of the Agdal (Moroccan High Atlas). Quaderni Storici vol. 168, n° 3, dir. {Il Mulino} p. 799-822
  • Domínguez Pablo. 2021. « Socio-Economic Contributions of the Agdal Institution a Traditional Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Communal Governance of the Maghreb ». In Governance for Resilient Mediterrranean Silvo-Pastoral Systems : Lessons. {Routledge}. https://hal.science/hal-03403466.
  • Romera Mari-Carmen, López-I-Gelats Feliu, Domínguez Pablo, Boujrouf S. & Maneja Roser, 2021Towards inclusive environmental governance in the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve, Morocco. eco.mont (Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research) vol. 13, Special, p. 38-48