Entité de rattachement
UMR 7206 - Anthropologie biologique et Bio-archéologie (ABBA)
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Anthropologie évolutive, - Origines de l’Homme, - Migrations humaines au cours du Pléistocène supérieur et au néolithique en Asie du sud-est.


demeter [at] mnhn.fr
+33 (0)


Recherches actuelles

Grotte de Tam Pa Ling, Nord-est du laos, province de Huapan


Demeter F., Shackelford L., Westaway K., Barnes L., Duringer Ph., Dumoncel J., Sénégas F., Ponche J-L., Sayavongkhamdy T., Zhao J-X., Sichanthongtip P., Patole-Edoumba E., Dunn T., Zachwieja A., Coppens Y., Bacon A-M. (2017), Tam Pa Ling, Laos : A milestone in early human fossil record from mainland Southeast Asia, Current Anthropology, Sous presse.

Shackelford L., Demeter F., Westaway K., Duringer Ph., Ponche J-L., Sayavongkhamdy T., Zhao J-X., Barnes L., Boyon M., Sichanthongtip P., Sénégas F., Patole-Edoumba E., Coppens Y., Dumoncel J., Bacon A-M. (2016), Additional evidence for early modern human morphological diversity in Southeast Asia at Tam Pa Ling, Laos, Quaternary International, Sous presse.

Demeter F., (2016), L’utilisation des isotopes en archéologie et en anthropologie, TECHNE 44 :71-73.

Oettle A., Demeter F., L’abbé E. (2017), Ancestral variations in the shape and size of the Zygoma, Anatomical Record 300(1):196-208.

Wood R., Duval M., Huong NTM., Tuan NA., Bacon A-M., Demeter F., Duringer Ph., Oxenham M., Piper Ph., (2016), The effect of grain size on carbonate contaminant removal from tooth enamel : Towards an improved pretreatment for radiocarbon dating, Quaternary Geochronology 36:174-187.

Willman, J. C., Shackelford, L., Demeter, F. (2016), Incisor ablation among the late upper paleolithic people of Tam Hang (Northern Laos) : Social identity, mortuary practice, and oral health, DOI : 10.1002/ajpa.22988

Frelat M., Souday C., Buchet N., Demeter F., Pottier C., 2016, Corrigendum for The Bronze Age necropolis of Koh Ta Meas : insights into the health of the earliest inhabitants of the Angkor region, Bull. Mem. Soc. Anthrop. Paris (28) 1, DOI : 10.1007/s13219-015-0139-4

Patole-Edoumba, E, P Duringer, P Richardin, L Shackelford, A-M Bacon, T Sayavongkhamdy, J-L Ponche, and F Demeter (2015), Evolution of the Hoabinhian techno-complex of Tam Hang rock shelter in Northeastern Laos, Archaeological Discovery 3 (2015) : 140-157.

Marin F., Ben Mansour K., Demeter F., Frey P., (2015), Displacement of facial soft tissues in upright versus supine positions, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, DOI : 10.1080/10255842.2015.1069590

Bacon AM., Westaway K., Antoine P-O., Duringer P., Blin A., Demeter F., Ponche J-L., Zhao J-X., Barnes L., Sayavongkhamdy T., Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy, Patole-Edoumba E., Vu The Long, Shackelford L., (2015). Late Pleistocene mammalian assemblages of Southeast Asia : new dating, mortality profiles and evolution of the predator-prey relationships in an environmental context. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 03/2015 ; 422:101-127.

Demeter F., Shackelford L., Westaway L., Duringer Ph., Bacon AM, et al. (2015) Early Modern Humans and Morphological Variation in Southeast Asia : Fossil Evidence from Tam Pa Ling, Laos. PLoS ONE 10(4) : e0121193. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121193.

Bacon AM, Westaway K., Antoine PO., Duringer P ;, Blin A., Demeter F., et al., (2015), Late Pleistocene mammalian assemblages of Southeast Asia : new dating, mortality profiles and evolution of the predator-prey relationships in an environmental context, Palaeo 422:101-127.

Demeter F., Bacon AM., Sytha P., (2013), Premiers peuplements d’Asie du sud-est, Etat des connaissances actuelles sur le Cambodge, UNESCO.

Demeter F., Shackelford L., Westaway K., Duringer P., Sayavongkhamdy T., Bacon AM., (2012), Reply to Pierret et al. : Stratigraphic and dating consistency reinforces the status of Tam Pa Ling, PNAS 51, 3524-3525.

Demeter F., Shackelford L., Bacon AM, Duringer P., Westaway K., Sayavongkhamdy T., Braga J., Sichanthongtip P., Khamdalavong P., Ponche JL, Wang H., Patole-Edoumba E., Karpoff AM., (2012), An anatomically modern human in Southeast Asia (Laos) by 46 ka, PNAS 36, 14375-14380.

Schakelford L., Demeter F., (2012), The Place of Tam Hang in Southeast human evolution, Palevol, 11, pp. 97-115.

Terrains de recherche

Asie du sud-est continentale


  • Ortiz Alejandra, Bailey Shara, Delgado Miguel, Zanolli Clément, DEMETER Fabrice, Bacon Anne-Marie, Nguyen Thi DiemTien, Nguyen Anh Duc, Zhang Yingqi, Harrison Terry, Hublin Jean-Jacques & Skinner Matthew, juillet 2019A Distinguishing Feature of Pongo upper Molars and Its Implications for The Taxonomic Identification of Isolated Hominid Teeth from The Pleistocene of Asia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology vol. 170, n° 4, p. 595-612
  • Zanolli Clément, Kullmer Ottmar, Kelley Jay, Bacon Anne-Marie, DEMETER Fabrice, Dumoncel Jean, Fiorenza Luca, Grine Frederick, Hublin Jean-Jacques, Anh Tuan Nguyen, Thi Mai Huong Nguyen, Pan Lei, Schillinger Burkhard, Schrenk Friedemann, Skinner Matthew et al., mai 2019Evidence for Increased Hominid Diversity in The Early To Middle Pleistocene of Indonesia. Nature Ecology & Evolution vol. 3, n° 5, p. 755-764
  • Dunn Tyler, Zachwieja AJ, L. Shackelford Laura, Huong Nguyen Thi Mai, Philippe Duringer, Ponche Jean-Luc, C Aichholzez, Boesch Quentin, Patole-Edoumba Elise, Bacon Anne-Marie, Sihanam Daovee, Sichanthongtip Phonephanh, Sayavongkhamdy Thongsa & DEMETER Fabrice, 2019Preliminary Results From A Recently Discovered Holocene Burial Site in Northern Laos, Tam Pa Ping. American Journal of Physical Anthropology , n° 168, p. 65
  • Welker Frido, Ramos-Madrigal Jazmín, Kuhlwilm Martin, Liao Wei, Gutenbrunner Petra, de Manuel Marc, Samodova Diana, Mackie Meaghan, Allentoft Morten E, Bacon Anne-Marie, Collins Matthew J, COX Jürgen, Lalueza-Fox Carles, Olsen Jesper V, DEMETER Fabrice et al., 2019Enamel Proteome Shows That Gigantopithecus Was An Early Diverging Pongine. Nature vol. 576, , p. 262-265
  • Zachwieja AJ, DEMETER Fabrice, Bacon Anne-Marie, Huong Nguyen Thi Mai, Anh Nguyen Tuan, Westaway Kira, Duringer Philippe, Ponche Jean-Luc, Sichanthongtip Phonephanh, Sayavongkhamdy Thongsa & L. Shackelford Laura, 2019Ecological Niche Models Of Human Land Use In Late Pleistocene Southeast Asia Suggest Both Abiotic and Biotic Variables Can Create Bariiers To Human Dispersal. American Journal of Physical Anthropology , n° 168, p. 278