Entité de rattachement
UMR 7206 - Interactions primates et environnement (IPE)


francoise.bayart [at] mnhn.fr


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  • Sgarlata G.M., Salmona J., Razanaparany T.P., Rabarivola C.J., Jan F., Rasolondraibe E., Andriaholinirina N.V., LAFOSSE Sophie, Chikhi L., MANNI Franz, BAYART Françoise, 2016Mitochondrial Genetic Diversity in the Crowned Sifaka (Propithecus Coronatus) in a Fragmented Landscape. Primate Conservation , n° 30, p. 39-57
  • Pichon Claire, HLADIK Annette, HLADIK Marcel, Taraud Laurent, BAYART Françoise, SIMMEN Bruno, Roger Edmond, 2015Leaf Phenological Patterns of Trees, Shrubs and Lianas in a Dry Semi-Deciduous Forest of North-Western Madagascar : Functional Types and Adaptive Significance. Revue d’écologie (la Terre et la Vie) , N° 70 (3), p. 197-212
  • Riera B., SIMMEN Bruno, Pioch C., Pichon C., De Mestier A., BAYART Françoise, Harpet C., Tarnaud L., Roger E., Faramalala M., Randriamanana M.E., Rasoamanalina O.L., Tahina N.Z., Sgarlata G.M., Leigh E.G., Jeannoda V., HLADIK Marcel,HLADIK Annette, 2015Etat des connaissances et outils pour la gestion et la conservation des zones forestières, Aire Protégée d’Antrema, Madagascar. Symposium on Madagascar Biodiversity: Increase the positive impact, Antananarivo, Madagascar , ,
  • Sgarlata G. M., Salmona J., Razanaparany T., Rabarivola C. J., Jan F., Rasolondraibe E., Andriaholinirina N. V., MANNI Franz, BAYART Françoise, Chikhi L., 2015Crowned Sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) mitochondrial genetic diversity in a fragmented landscape. TIBIE Conference: Global Biodiversity Change - from genes to ecosystems. Vaiaro, Portugal, (Abstract) , ,
  • BAYART Françoise, Sgarlata G. , 2014Propithecus coronatus : Speciation and conservation perspectives according to the inter- and intra-specific genetic variability of the mitochondrial HV1-region. Colloque “Le Petit Pois Déridé”, Orsay, France (Abstract) , ,
  • Razanaparany P. T., Pichon C., Rabetafika L., BAYART Françoise, Ratsimbazafy J., 2014Female Dominance in Propithecus Coronatus Over the Dry Season in the Dry Forest of Antrema. Northwest Madagascar. Lemur News , n° 18, p. 10-13
  • Razanaparany T., Pichon C., Rabetafika L., BAYART Françoise, 2013Social behavior and social network of Propithecus coronatus during the dry season. International Prosimian Congress, Ranomafana, Madagascar, (Abstract) , ,
  • HARPET C., BAYART Françoise , 2012Le lémur noir de Madagascar, entre protocole scientifique et règles sociales. In B. Lizet et J. Milliet, Animal certifié conforme, Déchiffrer nos relations avec le vivant, Paris : Dunot/MNHN ; Universciences , , p. 205-217
  • Pichon Claire, TARNAUD Laurent, BAYART Françoise, HLADIK Annette, HLADIK Marcel, SIMMEN Bruno, 2010Feeding Ecology of the Crowned Sifaka (Propithecus Coronatus) in a Coastal Dry Forest in Northwest Madagascar (SFUM, Antrema). Lemur News , n° 15, p. 43-47
  • SIMMEN Bruno, BAYART Françoise, Rasamimanana H., Zahariev A., Blanc S., PASQUET Patrick, 2010Low Energy Outpout and Fatness in Sympatric Ring-Tailed Lemurs and Brown Lemurs. XXIII IPS Congress, Kyoto, Japan (abstract) , ,